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Black Pepper Powder (Premium) 40 GM

They become yellowish red at maturity and bear a single seed. Their odour is penetrating and aromatic; the taste is hot, biting, and very pungent. Ground black pepper contains up to 3 percent essential oil that has the aromatic flavour of Capsicum peppers but not the pungencyHealthy Benefits of Black Pepper: Prevents Any Sort of Cancer: Good for Digestion: Prevents Constipation: Treats Skin Problems: Good for Your Hair: Aids in Weight Loss: Treats Depression: Helps in Treating Respiratory Diseases:

Cumin Seed (90 gm )

Cumin contains compounds called flavonoids that work as antioxidants in the body. Antioxidants can help neutralize unstable particles called free radicals that cause cell damage. By neutralizing these particles, antioxidants can help prevent diseases like cancer, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

Black Pepper 300gm

They become yellowish red at maturity and bear a single seed. Their odour is penetrating and aromatic; the taste is hot, biting, and very pungent. Ground black pepper contains up to 3 percent essential oil that has the aromatic flavour of Capsicum peppers but not the pungencyHealthy Benefits of Black Pepper: Prevents Any Sort of Cancer: Good for Digestion: Prevents Constipation: Treats Skin Problems: Good for Your Hair: Aids in Weight Loss: Treats Depression: Helps in Treating Respiratory Diseases:

Cardamom 50 gm

Certain compounds in cardamom may fight cancer and stop the growth of tumors in mice and test tubes. Human research is needed to validate if these results apply to humans as well.